Sabtu, 29 Agustus 2015

Want Healthy, Note 13 It Here

Art Of Design Blog - One of the things that can not be separated from discussions about health issues is on a healthy diet. However, dietary factors are most important and fundamental factors that greatly influence the level of health of the human body. When once we know the slogan of 4 healthy 5 perfect food, today we must turn to the new slogan is a balanced nutritional diet guidelines.

As we have informed, balanced nutrition food guidelines conceived to be used as guidelines for how we meet the nutritional needs according to our bodies. With the goal of keeping a healthy body is always maintained and protected from various diseases both minor ailments and serious illnesses.

Before eating nutritionally balanced properly - properly applied, you should first consider 13 it follows that the basic message of balanced nutrition guidelines for foods as it will maximize the results obtained from the application of the guidelines for a balanced nutritional diet. That said, this is the basic message of balanced nutrition 13:

1. Eat a variety of foods

To meet the nutritional needs of the body needs, we should consume a variety of foods. Therefore, none of the foods that contain complete nutrition. One type of food may contain certain nutrients, but does not contain other nutrients. Vice versa. So, inevitably we have to eat a variety of foods to meet nutritional needs of our bodies. For example, we do not quite simply eat white rice without side dishes, vegetables, or even no salt because we will only meet the energy needs but not for protein and mineral needs.Except for a baby under 2 years simply by consuming breast milk alone is sufficient to meet all the nutritional requirements needed for its growth.

2. Prioritizing eating foods according to energy needs

Although a variety of nutrients the body needs, energy requirements are the most important. Therefore, eat foods according to energy needs. Not excessive or deficient. Excessive consumption of foods containing substances could lead to energy increased weight and exposed to the risk of obesity and the risk of developing various diseases. Vice versa, energy deficiency can cause weight loss to decrease, the body feels weak limp, as well as disruption of development of the body which affects the size of the body become abnormal when mature and susceptible to disease.

3. Eat carbohydrates are not more than half the energy needs

Even prioritize eating foods that meet energy needs, the portion of food consumed should not exceed 60 percent of energy needs. Our energy needs are met largely from consuming foods that contain complex carbohydrates such as rice, corn and tubers. However, if consumption exceeds 60 percent, it usually needs other nutrients such as vitamins, proteins and minerals would be difficult to be met.

4. Do not excessively consume fats and oils

The consumption of fats and oils is not more than a quarter of the energy requirement because, in addition to increased energy, fat also serves to absorb vitamins A, D, E, and vitamin K. The fats also make the stomach feel full faster so it will be difficult to consume foods that contain other nutrients.

5. Use iodized salt

Iodine deficiency can cause various health problems such as impaired growth in children, impaired intelligence, risk of mumps and cretin. Use of iodized salt to anticipate the onset of a variety of symptoms above.

6. Eat foods that contain lots of iron

One of the consequences of iron deficiency is a disease "iron deficiency anemia" or anemia. This disease can affect anyone regardless of class. Could old, young, children under five as well. To anticipate the onset of iron deficiency anemia, eat foods that contain iron such as green vegetables, eggs, liver, beans and meat. For pregnant women with iron deficiency anemia disease, drugs added immediately blood or consult a doctor in order to be addressed immediately.

7. Give the baby only breast milk until the age of 6 months

For adults, to meet the nutritional needs of the body should eat a variety of foods because no single food that contains a lot of nutrients in full. However, for infants this does not apply because the breast milk alone is sufficient to consume all the nutritional needs of infants. In fact, breastfeeding is the most excellent among many types of baby food. Once the baby reaches 6 months of age, start given feeding. And slowly and gradually is adjusted to the baby's age. Continue to give milk until the child reaches the age of 24 months or 2 years.

8. Make a habit of breakfast in the morning

The morning breakfast provides many benefits for the body. Maintain and increase endurance while working, keep the concentration while studying at the school, also avoid various diseases. Eat according to the needs and circumstances that exist.

9. Drinking water in sufficient quantities

Which must be considered when drinking water is the water you drink really - really clean, sterile and free of germs. Could be the result of sterilization or drink water that has been cooked to a boil. Drink at least 8 glasses or about - about 2 liters per day. Consume water in sufficient quantity is useful to prevent the body from lack of fluids or dehydration as well as reduce the risk of kidney stone disease.

10. Do exercise regularly

If you can regularly exercise every day, of course, will be better. However, if it is not possible because of the many activities, keep all members of the body has a chance to move enough. Be able to get used to walk around the residence or cycling to work place. By always moving, the body will not feel stiff and easily cramping.

11. Avoid drinking beverages containing alcohol

Alcoholic beverages can degrade the performance of the brain that can not control themselves normally. In addition, alcohol can cause a variety of diseases such as heart disease, addiction and damage to intellect and mind.

12. Eat the right foods - completely safe for health

Safe food is food made from quality raw, processed in the right way, contaminated with chemicals and do not conflict with either religious beliefs or cultural customs. Avoid eating fast food in excess. Also avoid the use of raw materials that are not qualified as meat from animals not slaughtered or carcasses and so on.

13. Note the expiration labels on food packaging

It is set in the Act - legislation that any food product packaging must always include a description of production date and expiration date, and include a variety of ingredients used in the food products.
Make sure the food consumed is not over the limit expired expired because the food is very dangerous when consumed and can cause various diseases.